Modern day life, as you and me know very well, is terribly stressful. We are bombarded with so many problems, hurdles, obstacles….well, the list endless, in day-to-day life. As a result of all these we feel tense, irritable and jittery. The body reactions to these psychological emotions sometimes become unbearable. This ‘stress thing’ should be tackled seriously. The important thing is to recognize the fact that we are under stress and what we feel is something called “stress.” We must look at the ways to break this vicious cycle and thereby try to relieve stress.
Sometime ago I have come across some exercises aimed at total mental and physical relaxation. These are simple exercises which can be done by anyone, anywhere anytime. Initially you may not notice any changes but, I need not tell you this, practice makes a man/woman perfect in doing this, to derive the benefits of stress reduction/relief.
As I mentioned above we must recognize that we are under stress and should feel the need for doing something like Relaxation exercises. In the initial days of practice about 30-45 minutes everyday must be devoted to this simple exercise. Later on as you master the art of relaxation of the mind, body (and soul) you will be able to switch on your relaxation mode whatever you feel you are under stress. So let’s start…ok..?
- Devote a specific time for relaxation everyday.
- Try to do the exercise everyday at the fixed time.
- Be optimistic about this exercise and it’s Positive outcome.
- Never rush through the session.
- Find a convenient place where you will not be disturbed.
- Wear loose clothing.
- Dim the lights or if possible switch off lights.
- Burning an aromatherapy candle will help eg: Lavender
- Soft relaxing music is your choice but it is better to be away from all sorts of electromechanical field. No TV, Computer, etc.
- You can lie down on any comfortable mattress or bed.
- Go to toilet before starting the exercise. Better to do this after a refreshing shower.
- Avoid stimulants like tea, coffee, etc. within 2-3 hours.
Lie down on any comfortable surface, on your back. Just be there for 5 minutes to get accustomed to the pre-relaxation please. Keep the legs a little apart, the big toes pointing outward. The arms to be kept on either side a little away from the trunk with palms facing the ceiling. Don’t use a pillow but to support the neck can use a rolled bed-sheet or towel.
After 5 minutes just squeeze the right foot muscles for 5 seconds and relax. Then squeeze the calf muscles similarly for 5 seconds and then let go. Proceed on to the right thigh then go on to the left side, do the same. Then the pelvis as a whole to be tightened and ‘let go’. Like this, the whole body should feel the relaxation after tightening up including the facial muscles and eyes. Now you have felt the contraction and relaxation phases. Keeping the eyes closed gently concentrate on breathing. Breath slowly, deeply. Focus your attention on breathing. If the mind drifts bring it back to focus.
Enjoy the relaxing effect. Resist the temptation to sleep. The idea is to feel relaxed while mentally alert. A mental chattering of a keyword is also advisable. ‘Relax…….Relax…….’
Be in this state for about 15 - 20 minutes. When you feel fully relaxed in this position just turn to one side and continue with relaxation again. Support your legs and trunk using soft pillows. Now turn to the outer side and relax.
After 10-15 minutes you can lie down on your tummy with heels pointing inwards and head resting on the outer aspects of folded arms bent at the elbow. Turn the head to one side with the temple over the arms. Relax for 10-15 minutes. Slowly turn around and get up. Try to keep up the relaxation as you proceed with your normal activities of daily living.
Well, now you have relaxed your body and mind. You have broken the cycle of negative emotions and the consequent bodily reactions. So the concentration of the stress producing chemical substances in the brain and body has comedown. More importantly you have experienced the techniques of ‘induction of relaxation’.
Practice…..Practice…..Practice…..Once you set a grip of the technique you can do the same exercise in sitting position as well. You will be able to maintain calmness and a state of relaxation with mental alertness.
So all the best…..give a try……Relax….SMILE….