Like this discussing they spend a little longer than usual time that night discussing the issue but could not reach an agreement .
After Emma left for sleep to her room Annie browsed the internet searching for some details about the ballet troupe and also about the show in their metro. She had browsed these casually sometime ago when the show was announced but didn't go into the details because she knew she won't be able to go.
The website with streaming audio and video content was excellent and she enjoyed browsing it. The video was superb. The performance looked life-like and the more she viewed it, the more she got interested in attending the programme. Before it was more negative against positives but slowly she understood that positives are filling her mind.
She wanted to call upon Emma then and there and announce her decision to go to the ballet but thought later it would be better tell her tomorrow because it would disturb Emma's sleep.
Happily Annie went to sleep switching off the lights and shutting the laptop down.
For next few days they both were on cloud nine fantasizing. They discussed about their attire, the accessories to be worn, make-up, etc, etc. Emma began dieting to lose some more flab from her waist to look better. Annie signed up for a rejuvenation package in a nearby spa for a week. She wanted to add more glow to her already flawless skin.
Their friends and colleagues began teasing them about a romantic date.They didn't tell them the real reason for such elaborate preparations because in case their plans fail they didn't want to be made fun of by others; still they could not believe the exciting things that were happening in their lives that elevated them to cloud nine.
Both of them combed the entire city after searching the yellowpages and spending countless hours browsing google for the special dress and other accessories. This search took them to a fashion designer who conducts small time catwalk shows with models. She agreed to dress them up for the event and the cost burned a black hole in their pockets.
But this was the only alternative they had since they could not afford to buy an expensive glittering dress and they never owned a real piece of diamond. However, they enjoyed the whole of exciting, adrenaline-filled process of getting ready for the grand event.
Both of them began looking better and were smiling more often than before.
The glows on their faces and their vibrant attitude caught more attention and turned more heads than before.
They secretly enjoyed the whole show.
To be continued.....