Hearing the love between the hero and heroine Emma started giggling. Annie could see the developing chemistry between the man and Emma.
Suddenly the lights dimmed and the stage curtain parted slowly while melodious music floated in the hall.
The whole stage was bathed in soft sky blue light. Slowly they could see glittering stars in the blue sky and beautiful flowers everywhere.
As the whole scene got dimmed another spectacle of snow covered mountains were seen in the background and two dancers made their appearance accompanied by sweet music.
The well synchronized moves, twists and turns were beautiful and as they glided all over the stage and people just sat mesmerized at the beauty of all of it.
Slowly the characters began their appearance one by one and the beautiful love story slowly unfolded in front of them as a dance theme.
Annie was amazed at the perfection of the synchronized moves made by all of those dancers and the skills they exhibited simply was superb.
The audience were simply spellbound so that none noticed one hour has passed when the ten minute intermission was announced.
When the lights glowed they could hear excited talks all around them and both of them expressed their appreciation to David. He acknowledged them politely all the more pleased.
Annie noted he and Emma are sitting closer and she came to the conclusion that the chemistry is getting deeper between them.
Some people were going out for the break and David offered them a drink which they accepted. Three of them went out to the reception hall and the waitress promptly served them fresh juices.
As David headed for the restroom Annie naughtily teased Emma.
"Wake up...wake up....Cinderella".
Emma giggled...."What do you think of him Annie, Isn't he charming?"
"Well...well..he is just average"....Annie smiled mischievously.
"You...." Emma nudged her.
They laughed together.
From the admiring glances they received it was quite clear to them that they were looking good well suited to the gathering. So they decide to play their part to perfection.
The next half was better than the previous one. The dancers exhibited more and more skills and people applauded them heartily.
The light and sound captivated the entire audience.
The love story ended happily and everybody got on their feet giving a standing ovation when the dancers assembled on the stage.
It was a great performance!
" was it?" David inquired.
Both of them showered praise.
"Well. I presume you both have been invited to the post show dinner tonight"....
"Yes...of course..we have been invited and it is our pleasure to attend and we feel honored".
"Good...I also will be there and sure you will be meeting some important people".
David said goodbye after looking into the eyes of Emma a little longer.
After he left Annie teased her again.
Both of them felt really on top of the world enjoying the whole circus.
To be continued....