Sunday, April 6, 2008

Olive oil - the best Oil !?

Oil extracted from the Olive fruits is considered as one of the best oils, very good for health. I started using Olive oil in recipes quite recently and I must admit that I really appreciate this oil very much.

Most of the Olive oil available in the world comes from the Mediterranean region. As per the criteria of manufacturing and the contents there are different grades of Olive oil.

Extra virgin Olive oil

This is obtained by “first cold pressing” of the olives. The acidity is less than 0.85%.

This type is considered as the best for health.

Virgin Olive oil

This has a acidity less than 2%.

Pure Olive oil

This is actually a mixture of refined Olive oil and Virgin or extra Virgin Olive oil.

There are also some other Olive oil mixtures available in the market.

Look for Extra virgin olive oil. “First Cold Press” means the oil that comes as first immediately after mechanical pressing. Also note if the Olives are “hand picked” which indicates better quality. The extra Virgin variety is unrefined.

Why is it considered that Olive oil is good for health?

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, for eg: Oleic Acid. Olive oil has antioxidant properties. Regular consumption in moderate quantities may prevent heart disease.

I have already posted some recipes using Olive oil – the culinary arts of mine!!!

I found these dishes very tasty….yummy!!!….

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like olive oil..its tasty....didnt know extra virgin is the best..thanks for the tip....