The heat and humidity during summer time can cause pigmentation on the skin making it dark.
More sweat is produced, the pores in the skin open up.
This is the time we must take active care of the skin.
First and foremost is avoidance of direct sunlight especially between 11 AM and 3 PM.
It is better to stay inside during this time and avoid swimming and other outdoor activities.
If you prefer to go outside, use sunscreen with SPF 30 or above (Sun Protection Factor).
This must be applied at least half an hour before going out in the sun and may be reapplied every 2 to 3 hours.
Use an umbrella or a wide-rimmed hat.
During other times in the day it is better to use a moisturizer. Oil free moisturizers are better.
Shop around and select a brand that suits you.
Eat more fruits and vegetables during summer.
I like oranges very much.
Drink lots and lots of water. Even if we stay indoors drink lots of water.
Limit the use of air-conditioner because it will make the skin drier.
Visit a spa or beauty parlor and do Facials. It's great for your skin.
Finally a natural beauty remedy for sun induced damage.
Rub a freshly cut, red, fleshy tomato on the face after sun exposure.
After an hour wash with water.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Summer time - take care of our skin!
Friday, May 30, 2008
World No Tobacco Day
'World No Tobacco Day' is on May 31, 2008. It's observed on that day by WHO, World Health Organization.
People throughout the world are observing this day to highlight the risks of smoking and the advocacy to stop smoking to protect world's youth.
Smoking is dangerous. It is bad for health. Even passive smoking is also dangerous.
I always avoid smoking places.
There are numerous methods available including Hypnosis to help people stop smoking.
Quit smoking!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
My Blogger friend and two interesting blogs!
Two interesting blogs that caught my attention!
Josie commented first on my blog treasures to win.
This gave me immense satisfaction and her compliments lifted my spirits.
I also added comments in her blogs and her blogs become my favorite blogs and vice-versa.
She writes beautifully and her pictures are wonderful!
Thank you, Josie.
God bless.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Mango float
2 packs of Nestle all purpose cream - 250 ml
2 packs of chocolate graham crackers- 225 g
2 cans of Carnation condensed milk - 385 g
2 kilos of ripe mangoes - 9 pieces
Preparation Time - 45 minutes to 1 hour
Serves - 20 to 25 people
Utensils Required
- Kitchen knife
- Can opener
- Egg beater
- Rectangular glass/aluminum/plastic container
- Bowl (for mixing Nestle all purpose cream and Carnation condensed milk)
- Table spoon
- Mix together Nestle all purpose cream and Carnation condensed milk very well.
- Layer graham chocolate crackers on rectangular glass or aluminum container.
- Spread about 2 to 3 table spoons of mixed Nestle all purpose cream and Carnation condensed milk into rectangular glass or aluminum container.
- Sandwich the filling with graham crackers and finish with the remaining sliced of mango.
- Top with mango slices or graham crackers if desired.
- Chill for 3 to 4 hours before serving.

Monday, May 26, 2008
Party again!
Emily and Olga were celebrating their birthday in May, so they planned to give a treat to all Filipino teachers and native speaker co-teachers.
Wow! free lunch hehehehe...Emily's mom is an excellent chef that's the way I described her.
The foods she cooked were superb, so tasty!
Actually, Emily's birthday was on May 25 and for Olga will be tomorrow May 27 but they agreed to celebrate it today May 26, Monday.
It's a working day, sad to say that we didn't eat together because our time table was not the same.
Anyway, we enjoyed the lunch, took some snaps with the celebrants. You know pictures are somewhat peculiar.
So in whatever occasions we take pictures as a remembrance to keep the memories, whoa! I'm getting emotional.
So the memories will stay forever!
Mimi and Olgs, Happy Birthday!
May the Good Lord will always bless you and your family.
And be a blessing to others.
Keep stronger as you face another year in your life.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Mass celebration at Our Lady of Lourdes church
Sunday, May 25, 2008, there was a big celebration in Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Hatyai.
The mass started at 9 o'clock in the morning.
I would say it is a big celebration because of how the church looked like. The decoration, flower arrangements... many people attended. I couldn't relate totally in the said celebration because it was in Thai language. Anyway, the presiding priest gave a short English homily as he mentioned about the 'Christian Revolution' and he gave emphasis to the meaning of 'Corpus Christi' a Feast of the body and blood of Christ. It is 'gathering' of all Christians throughout the world, let them be united as one with Christ because He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
After the mass there was a procession of the Holy Sacrament around the church compound and it ended at 11 o'clock.
The church staff served some snacks and we had a chance to mingle with some parishioners while munching cakes and cookies.
It was a great day!
Here are some snaps I have taken during the mass and procession.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Reiki (Rei=Universal) (Key-ki=Energy)
I am now-a-days receiving a lot of information about Reiki. About a year ago I visited a webpage where I could see many names and e mails listed who offered free Reiki healing online. I simply read that page and got some information about Reiki. Then I wrote a lady whose e mail I got from that webpage and she promptly replied sending me 'healing'. I felt better. I didn't have any diseases at that time. But I felt better emotionally, a better wellbeingstate. Reiki is a 'healing tool' in a broader sense. When we go through the testimonials of people from all over the world we will find Reiki a simple hands-on method for a wide variety of physical and psychological ailments. The vital energy present in this Universe gets harmoniously blended with human being's life energy during Reiki attunements empowering that person with 'healing touch'.
I remember Jesus!
In the early part of 19th century, respected Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese became enlightened and perfected the art and science of Reiki. He initiated many into Reiki and the tradition follows.
I would like to know more about Reiki. I think this is the beginning.
The Alchemist - a book review
'The Alchemist' - is written by Paulo Coelho, a Brazilian author. This book has become popular all over the world.
He has written it in a simple manner and it is easy to understand the meaning of the philosophical things he has illustrated. It is a small book and reading it will be pure joy.
Santiago, a boy, gets inspired by the mysterious desert and proceeds for a journey listening to the directions nature opened for him in search of a treasure hidden near the pyramids in Egypt. He sees many mysterious people, witnesses many things and gets involved in many adventures.
Finally he understands where the true treasure lies, rather nature shows him where it was and what he is seeking all throughout!
When we believe in something totally, the whole Universe resonates harmoniously making it really happen. The real treasure lies in the place where your heart belongs.
Beautiful book!!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
God - Prayer - a solace
I believe in God. I am thankful to my family for my upbringing firmly rooted as a believer in God. I think prayer gave me lot of strength, gave me hope, brought me back to hope from hopelessness, guided me through the difficult times in my life and I thank God for everything in my life. Every Sunday I go church, I attend the mass, I pray God. More than that, I pray often. I feel God's warm embrace all throughout. There are times I feel so dull and low but somehow I regain my composure with God's help. I thank God for all the wonderful people around me. I pray for everyone who interacts with me. I thank God for all the blessings He has showered upon me. I try to see good in everyone, everywhere, all the time.
I sincerely believe God will guide me wherever I am, whatever I do, whoever I am with. I firmly believe that the hardships I had experienced brought me closer to the Lord..all those were meant to know Him better. I feel light as a feather when I feel my prayers are being heard by Him. I feel rejuvenated and my heart gets filled with a sense of Peace while I am praying.
I would like to pray for the needy.
Anyone reading this needs prayers I will surely pray for them sincerely.
God bless you!
Psalm 145:9-10
The Lord is good to all, and his compassion is over all that he has made. All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your faithful shall bless you.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Exercise - Nursery Rhyme
Come on.....Hurry up.....let's run
Come on.....Hurry up.....let's jog
Come on.....Hurry up.....let's exercise
Strong we become, if we walk
Healthy we become, if we run
Energetic we become, if we jog
Fit we become, if we exercise
Walking is good, so we must walk
Running is good, so we must run
Jogging is good, so we must jog
Exercise is good, so we must exercise
We will walk, everyday
We will run, everyday
We will jog, everyday
Sure....we will exercise, everyday!

Monday, May 19, 2008
Cassandra - Christening day !
May 17, 2008, 4 o'clock in the afternoon -
A special day for Cassandra, she is known 'as Jaja' among us. She has just turned one....its her 1st birthday. The baptism was held at the Catholic church, Our Lady of Lourdes, Hatyai, presided over by our very kind parish priest Rev. Fr. John.
There were fourteen godparents including me...I feel proud and happy to be a god-mum to a sweet kid like Jaja...Thanks Era and Junie for selecting me too as her god-mum.....God Bless !
The sermons were really good, very divine atmosphere ! It was a joyous occasion for everyone. Needless to say the proud parents Era and Junie were overjoyed ! Era is my colleague, wonderful couple they are. Jaja is cute kid. She is simply lovely !
The dinner was at their house. What a sumptuous dinner ! Many Filipino dishes, desserts and fruits were served.
It was also a good opportunity for some of our Filipino friends working a little far from the city of Hatyai to have a get together like this. We were very happy to see them, everyone was busy chatting including was a wonderful. We enjoyed very well !
I talked about my blogs because thats my craze now-a-days ! I just breathe blogs these days.... It was a great night for all of us.
I think Jaja was excited seeing such a large crowd.
Maligayang pagbati kay Junie at Era lalo na sa mga ninong at ninang. Sana ating gampanan ang ating suliranin at maging magandang halimbawa sa paglaki ni Jaja.
God bless !

Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Translate website / blog to different languages - Add this gadget / widget!
Translator widget / gadget is another free stuff I added to my blogs recently. This add-on, I believe, will make my blogs universally user-friendly.
I hope the translations are good!
I really appreciate feed-back from someone who can use this facility and comment!
I am still searching for a Tagalog translation widget / gadget.
Can anyone help me?
To get this google translation gadget / widget - "Google Translate My Page" developed by Josh E, Mountain view, CA, clickkkkkk...
Very easy steps! We can customize it easily!
Get the HTML code and paste it to add page element !
Cool stuff! Compact! Fits in nicely! Hope my blogs will get terrific traffic!!!
So here is another free and useful tip to bloggers from a blogger very new to blogging, its me!
It's FREE!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Stressful life
Life has become very stressful!
All over the world human life has switched over to the fast lane. I haven't been everywhere in this world but this is what I feel!.... We made ourselves stressful; competition, comparison, envy, never-ending quest to make more and more money, relationship problems, ego clashes....the list is endless.
There is no common world for us to live-in, everybody is living in their own world! Naturally stress level goes up. The stress-spring mechanism in the body gets tightened.
Unwinding it isn't easy!
The importance of stress reduction and relaxation in human life cannot be over emphasized.
Meditation, prayer, positive thinking, relaxation exercises (I have written about Relaxation exercises before, See my post dated April 12, 2008) will help in loosening the stress-spring.
We have to make ourselves happy, stress-free.
We are what we think!
Feed the mind with positive thoughts!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The mellowing caressing you do on the petals
As you balance yourself on the cute flower
I envy you for the softness you feel!
Is it the breeze or is it the joy
That makes you and the flower dance
This is a sight I love to watch
With joy, it is wonderful, beautiful!
Where did you get those silky wings?
Where did you paint those beautifully?
Who did the unique design,
And, who made it so perfectly?
I know, you won't tell me,
It's your secret, and it's your treasure
Don't worry, no one can imitate you
Copy you, no one can get it too!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Don't know what to post!
I really don't know what to post today. I'm so tired. Today is Wednesday, was very busy at school.
I am waiting for my brain cells to click so that I can type something on this post page. Today I think it is blank. Nothing is clicking in my brain. So I am writing this post, what I am thinking right now. It is funny analyzing the thoughts occur in the brain. Actually it is not true that my mind is blank. There are lots of thoughts, meaningless it might seem, but there are thoughts and there is lot of activity going on inside my brain.
Just now I thought what a meaningless post I am writing, next moment I thought of the classes I am going to teach tomorrow, the very next moment I thought of what the respected readers of my blog will think of me when they go through this post!
Huh......I am confused. I am thirsty, let me drink a glass of water....hmmmm...good.
Now I am humming my favorite music "Amazing Grace". Now I listen to the birds chirping outside...I also hear in the background somebody in the hallway. cellphone is ringing....let me see who is it.....!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Parenting from far-away!
But being a teacher by profession I understand the problems of kids whose parents are not around. I also understand the agony of the parent who resides abroad /away mostly for professional reasons and for earning a decent livelihood for their family. This problem is very common in Philippines, my country.
So I thought of writing about this sensitive topic today.
As I mentioned earlier, this topic is very delicate, complicated and sensitive. Circumstances force people to stay away from their children and loved ones. 'Parenting from far-away' is one of the most challenging tasks in the life of a parent and in some rare cases-both parents.
Looking into the different aspects of this complicated task I observed how people cope up with this stressful event positively. These can be considered as some successful tips to tackle this problem.
1. Try to be "present" in the kid's daily life
When one of the parents is missing from the child's world it can have a negative impact in the process of personality development, confidence build up, self- esteem, etc. But now-a-days, in the hectic day-to-day life even parents residing with kid ('s') as family tend to forget to be in the kid ('s') world; they 'live' in their own world forgetting to get involved in the kid ('s') world. So try to be in the child's world as much as possible while communicating with them by whatever means possible. Listen to them at length. But most of the time it would be the parent talking...talking...discussing classes, grades etc etc. Give an ear to what the kids are saying. It doesn't mean that there shouldn't be any discussion about their academics but adequate time should be alloted to hear what is happening in their world also.
Patiently listen to them. Let them come out with all their anxieties, fears, apprehension, doubts.....Imagine how we felt when we were small kids.. Think with your feet in their shoes...
Who else will listen to them apart from you? Imagine how we feel if no one listens to us? We all need attention, love.
Always keep in mind that our kids are also very much stressed like us. The present day living is very much stressful even for kids.
We think, as adults, we are mature enough. But are we really? We all behave childishly when we become stressed, when we face problems.
Try to be a role model for the kid.
Kids will look at what you do and copy it. They won't listen to your words but they absorb non- verbal actions /doings of adults. You can fool masses by your vocabulary but not kids.
2. Regular Correspondence
This can be in the form of emails, chats, postal snailmail letters, telephonic conversations etc. Most of the children love to get letters by post. They feel important. You can send them pictures, cartoons cut from newspapers, drawings etc.
It is not a big deal now-a-days in the era of Broadband Internet to establish regular contact with loved ones using web cam, voice chat, Instant messaging and emails. Of course not forgetting mobile telephony and text messaging.
Write to them / tell them what you are doing everyday, the things happening in your life etc etc.
Snap pics, send them. Children love to see beautiful photos.
3. Be punctual
Be punctual and orderly if you promise something. Be punctual and systematic in correspondence.
If you don't turn up for chat at your regular time they will feel great disappointment.
4. Give them company
Loneliness breeds insecurity.
Never allow them to become couch potatoes. Try to create an environment where they can interact with other family members especially grandparents. Contact other family members and grandparents regularly and motivate them also to spend more time with your kids. Encourage them also to correspond regularly with kid (s) if they are also far-away.
5. Gifts
Never forget their birthdays. Send them gifts. There is no need to shell out your hard-earned money for expensive gifts. What I believe is that every expatriate should live modestly and bring up children also like that. Kids also should be given some idea about financial matters early in life. Some lessons they also should learn to be financially stable and successful in life.
Celebrate in whatever way you can, their birthdays and important occasions. If possible view the celebration online using web camera. Let them record it if you can't attend the celebrations live, well you can watch it later.
6. Support the carers
Support the person / persons who are looking after the kid (s) in whatever way possible. Don't find faults only with them. After all, we humans are not perfect, to err is human. The carer also
needs support, love and... understanding. It is not only money that they want... but love as well is needed.
7. Talk to teachers
This is very important. Teachers will surely notice what the carer / parent misses. They can give valuable advice to the parent(s). When you visit home for vacation you must meet the teacher(s) and talk to them at length, find out what more needs to be done. If possible must go to school. Even if the spouse is interacting with teacher(s) you also must meet the teachers. Find out time for such things also.
Every teacher must take notice of the shortcomings, if any, in the children whose parent(s) is / are abroad. They must make it a point to give little more attention to these children.
8. Talk and interact with their friends
This is fun. Children become immensely happy when parent(s) interact with their friends. Invite them also to home when you go for vacation. Give them also gifts or rather let your kid give them gifts.
Even when you are away, you can interact with your kid's friends.
9. Morally good up-bringing
Encourage them to attend prayers and mass. Try to show them what is right and what is wrong. Give them the opportunity to learn right things. Spend time for religious activities as well while you are on vacation.
The spouse / carer also can be counseled for creating a morally good environment for children. Interact more with people who are religious.
10. Watch them
Watch their activities online. Don't just believe that your kids will never do wrong things. The temptations to do bad are there everywhere in this world. Liberal media, violence everywhere I need not elaborate upon such things.......
It's not easy 'parenting from far-away'. The problem becomes more complicated if you are divorced /separated.
May God bless you and guide you !
Monday, May 12, 2008
Living the present moment!

Very sad! Time just ticks away, it doesn't wait for anyone. We are just being carried away like a stream in todays fast pace of life.
It's up to us to enjoy the moment we are at present having. We have to live the present moment well.

'Feel' the taste of the food we eat, 'feel' and enjoy the love we receive, 'feel really" everything life has in store for us. We always lament that our glass is half-empty but never accept the fact it is half-full. We forget to smell the roses we see everyday, we only see the thorns on their stems. We don't consciously appreciate what our sensory organs are feeding us everyday, every moment.

Do you agree with me?

May God help me as well as you to live life well enjoying the present beautiful moment right now we are all having given to us by Him!

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Add comments and rate the posts please!
I added comment rating option for my blog posts. So rate the posts please...

I very much appreciate the feed-back from all my readers so that I can improve my blogging! So rate the posts please....if you can't add comments. But comments are always Welcome...
Now here is another free tip for Bloggers, How to add content rating for blog posts?
1. First go to
2. Registration is optional
3. Select a language
4. Click Install the widget button
5. Sign in to the Blogger- window will open
You can choose from the many options how your 5-star rating should look like below each posts on your blog.
It can rate from Bad to Excellent!
Its FREE !

Saturday, May 10, 2008
An Interesting Blog and Blogger
Google on their pages in the has mentioned about the emerging strong blogging community in the Philippines. One influential blogger among them is Aileen Apolo.
In the preliminary stages of blogging and later on as well I browsed her blog a lot.
Good blog! Interesting! Informative!

Let God bless her for continuing her good activities like this in the Blogosphere.
Nawa'y pagpalain ka ng Poong Maykapal upang iyong maipagpatuloy ang magandang adhikain at mithiin sa pagsulat.
Mabuhay ka Pilipino!

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Enjoy Voki - my talking character, a free tip to Bloggers
Adding a rocking, cool, cute little thing like Voki makes our weblogs look attractive. Voki is FREE for non-commercial use. For commercial use they offer "sitepal" which is amazing!We can customize our voki character easily. We can select a suitable background, select a matching voice player, add text to speech or upload our own sound file, zoom in or out our voki inside the frame, select a good hairstyle, adjust make-up, etc etc.
Lot of options are there and its totally free!All the steps of getting a cute Voki are outlined in my other blog Images to treasure.
How to add the talking character Voki to blog is clearly written in their webpages as well. It is easy to add this talking gadgets/gizmo on the blog.
I didn't find any noticeable delay in page-loading time with voki,
with broadband internet connection it shouldn't be a problem anyways.
Voki makes our blog lively!
So this is my free tip for bloggers by a blogger new to blogging, thats me!
Rock it!