Sunday, May 4, 2008

Climate change and Global warming

This year all over Asia the summer was terrible. People are feeling terribly hot, outside when you go you feel as though you entered a furnace. Inside the room it is no better. My friends from different parts of Asia are telling me about the harsh summer in their respective countries and I heard about harsh winter in European countries and tornados and hurricanes in the USA. No doubt there is Climate change on our lovely planet Earth. Adding oil to the fire there is inflation in many parts of the world, poor people becoming poorer but everybody, rich and poor alike, feels the pressure one way or other.

Rice shortage in Philippines, my country.... My God... I feel like crying...I pray God. I can't believe such things happening in our country mainly oriented in Agriculture.

I think it is time for us to take these things seriously and do our level best to tackle the problem of Climate change and global warming. Developed and developing countries must join together and take actions to cut greenhouse gas emission and reduce carbon footprints or else extreme draught, floods and rising sea levels will be the consequences.

Let's hope that mankind will wake up from sleep and save our planet Earth quickly.


Unknown said...

Thank you for this wonderful and informative post.Good for you to note such matters that is occurring on our planet.

Browse this link.
It has lot of information about this growing problem. We can calculate our "emissions" using the calculator featured on this site. There are also suggestions about what we can do as our contribution to solve this problem. Thanks and kudos for blogging! All the best!

Unknown said...

nice and important post.

Unknown said...

rice is expensive in asia now.we must save our planet.thought provoking post.good.

Unknown said...

rice is costly everywhere in asia.thought provoking post.we must save our planet earth.